Monday, July 21, 2014

An Elegant Philosophy


Before we dive in to the many ways for us, as parents, to incorporate a higher standard of food, culture, and education into the lives of our little dears, I think it’s important to review the philosophy that I’m trying to embrace.  Life is messy.  Kids are messy.  My kitchen is messy.  Elegant doesn’t mean perfect. My children do not eat their dinner on my wedding china.  Elegant is how we choose to react to our day, and our little moments of near-melt-downs.  It's how we choose to spend our free time, how open-minded we are, how we handle the setbacks that may come our way, and how we treat people.  I would never dream of bringing my little dears to a five star restaurant at eight o’clock on a Saturday evening.  I am bringing the experience to them in small ways that are appropriate for them.

I also believe that The Finer Things is an experience, rather than ownership of any kind.  This confusion often makes people shy away from a higher standard of food, education, and culture, because it’s correlated with snobbery and/or not being able to afford a luxury home in the Hamptons.  I have met many people who own expensive things, but don’t read a book, expose their children to the classics, or talk about meaningful topics at the dinner table.  Knowledge is free.  That’s what we are going to talk about.

The Finer Things is a state of mind.  I try to remind my children that anyone can choose to open up their minds, and be eager to explore new worlds, new tastes, and new cultures.  All it takes is the desire, and anyone can find a way. While I completely embrace the notion of mothers not putting too much pressure on themselves, and doing what it takes to get through their day (and I have been there!), I also believe that complacency is a slippery slope.  Days turn into weeks, and then months, then years.  I want to have something to show for it.  I want my children to have more than I had, be exposed to more than I was (which was a lot, I am lucky to say), but most importantly, have a “can do” attitude, and a desire to experience the world and all it has to offer.

We are blessed to live in, what I believe to be, the greatest city in the world.  Where else can you find a museum that suits basically anyone’s interests, order any cuisine from around the world at midnight, or meet new people from every country, who practice every religion, and speak every language? It breaks my heart when I learn that people don’t take advantage of what this glorious city has to offer… especially parents.

This blog is not only for New Yorkers, however.  I have visited little towns all over the globe where there are museums, art galleries, and libraries just waiting for your kids to explore!  Are you excited?  Let’s do this!

Au revoir!

Copyright © 2014 Mary Ghicas, The Finer Things for Kids

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